Privacy Policy

We need to keep some of our clients’ personal data on file in order to do our work as agents: to arrange jobs and auditions, to negotiate contracts, to apply for child performance licences, and to administer possible residual payments in the future. 

This section explains what data we store, how we store it, and what we do with it after representation with the agency comes to an end. 

We keep on file the data that our clients provide us with (phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, bank details), as well as copies of documents required for performance licensing; namely signed medical declarations, birth certificates, scans of passports (both children and parents, if they are required to travel abroad) and passport sized photos. 

Electronic copies are stored securely on remote encrypted servers, while hard copies are kept locked away. 

We only share data with verified individuals who require it, namely production co-ordinators who are arranging call sheets, transport and accommodation, casting directors and legal departments who are drawing up contracts and agreements, and education authorities who are processing performance licences. 

When your representation comes to an end, we will shred all paper documents within seven working days, except for copies of contracts, which we will need for potential future payments, and your signed agency agreement. 

We will also delete electronic copies of all documents within seven working days, except scanned contracts, granted performance licences, and the contact details and bank details which you have added to Tagmin. We require these on an ongoing basis, as we need to be able to collect future earnings, and pass these on to you. 

We may also keep copies of previous Spotlight photos, press cuttings and similar, for the agency’s archive, unless you request otherwise. 


Your Data – Agency Applicants

When prospective clients send us their applications for consideration, we have to keep this data on file whilst we decide whether or not we can offer representation. This data typically comprises photographs, home and email addresses, dates of birth and sometimes video clips. 


We will hold on to this data until

• we have either contacted applicants to say we are unable to bring them in to audition 
• we have auditioned them and told them that we will not be offering representation at this time 
• we have offered representation, but you have not accepted the offer 
We will then delete this data and shred any physical documents we may have received. We regret that we cannot hold any data on applicants who do not subsequently sign to our books, as we have no legitimate need for it. For this reason, prospective clients must include all the required information each time they apply for an agency audition. 


Sharing Data – Production Companies

We are compliant with GDPR and require third parties to confirm that they are also GDPR compliant before we can share any personal data with them. We will only ever share information which is essential for engaging a client on a specific production, and we expect this data to be securely deleted as soon as it is no longer required. Although most companies we deal with on a regular basis will have a corporate GDPR policy, we will need to verify compliance before we can share any data with new contacts, or with production contacts who are not using corporate e-mail addresses. 

Data Controller

The Data Controller Loraine Hudson and you can contact her at You also have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner Office if you feel that your data is being mis-handled.